English project USA. Road trip trough The U.S. (in a ) Hi, My trip started here in Sweden where I won a Porsche and a trip to the United States of America. When I heard about the news on radio that I was so shocked I didn’t know what to do, so I just stood there and looked shocked. Three days after that the shocking day the persons from lottery 2000 called me and told me too be ready for the big road trip. And I said: -VA?!! En bilresa? -Ja en bilresa i din nya Porsche, the man said. -Men ni sa ingenting om det på radion, I answered. -Men nu vet du om det så var klar och stående i Arlanda kl 18.00, and the man hung up. I didn’t complain because after all I had won a brand new Porsche and a road trip trough the U.S. So now that I had found out that it was a road trip I started to pack things that was very necessary, and this is how my list looked like. ? Clean underwear and 5 pare of socks ? Money for spending ? Thin clothes and something thick if it would get cold like a jacket ? A freestyle or a mini disc ? The special card for free food at the hotels or restaurants ? A camera The rest was their job. When all my stuff was ready I called for a taxi. I arrived to Arlanda 4PM. The taxi took 300 coronas. I went inside Arlanda and it felt great because I knew that I was going to sit on the Aeroplane any hour. I walked fast towards the customs to leave my bag. When I arrived there was a pretty thin line. After a few minutes I arrived to the nice lady that took care of the bags. I showed my aeroplane tickets to the nice lady and she took a look at my pass and my ticket. Then she took my bag and sent it away on a rollerband. She gave mi a boarding card and told me to have fun and that was exactly what I where going to do. I sat down on a bench and waited for my flight. Then to men dressed in black came and asked if I was Rossi Jahangardi, -Ja det är jag, I said. And they congratulated me and gave mi flowers; they even took a picture of me. They told me too have really fun and that my Porsche was waiting at me in the Pennsylvanian airport. And then they said that I was supposed to drive trough some special chosen states in the U.S. The gave me a map that looked like this: My first stop will be at New York City. I will get my new Porsche there so I can cruise in the city the first day. I will spend the night on a *** star hotel. Then I will move on to Pennsylvania but I will just drive trough it whit my Porsche. Then when I reach Ohio I will spend the night in a Motel. And maybe I will have some time to go out and see the city. Of course I will move on the next day driving trough Indiana and Kentucky but I will stop at some motels to eat or some picturetaking. Of course I will stop and that will be at a ***** star hotel. And I will have some time to take some pictures and cruise around in the city. The next day I will move on to Arkansas and I’m going to stay at another hotel whit very good food they say. I will drive trough Louisiana and have my stop in Texas very close to Louisiana. I will have a lot of time to drive trough Texas and see the city and maybe I will have some time to see the ranches. My stop will be still in Texas but this time very close to New Mexico. There I will have my next stop. Of course I will drive on to Arizona and have my next stop over there. The next day I will drive to Utah and have my ninth stop. Then I will drive trough the Nevada deserts and stop at California very close to Nevada. And there will be the same thing over there as it will be in Texas. I will have a lot of time to drive in California and check out all the best places, especially Las Vegas the city of Night. And my trip will stop at San Francisco. And I will spend the night there. And the day after I will leave by an aeroplane back to New York where I will change the plane to return to Sweden. The to men left me a big piece of paper where it told what I was supposed to find out in each state. And they gave me another camera to take pictures on the places that was written on that big paper. I thanked them and went to my plane. I sat down in it and listened to my freestyle, and that’s how my trip begun. The flight personal woke me up a few times to serve food. But I don’t like the aeroplane food so I didn’t eat so much. Instead I watched the movies they showed on the TV. But I wasn’t so interested so I fell asleep again. But I suddenly woke up by some turbulent but the aeroplane personal just kept on saying there is no problem sit still. So that was exactly what I did. I fell asleep. Finally after 6 hours we landed and I woke up and went out from the plane towards the baggage claim to pick up my bags. Finally when I went out I saw my beautiful Porsche outside in the great smell of New York air. A man came and gave me the keys to the Porsche. I sat in it and felt the great smell of leather and when I put the key in and started the motor I felt great. I started the motor and drove down town. There are many people here in New York, the population is 16,3 million persons. I was right outside Teterboro Airport. I followed the map towards the Brooklyn Bridge. Today the traffic seemed to be light. The bridge was very nice and big it looked like this: This bridge leads right into Manhattan. When I reached Manhattan I turned right towards my three star hotel. I spent the night over there because I was so tired When my resting was over I went out for some pictures. That is Broadway where my hotel was. Broadway is very nice at night when you can see all the neon lights. To the left of my picture you can see a store whit the name Sardls, Sardls is a store that got very nice pictures for only 1$ apiece. 1$ is 8,50 coronas and that is cheap for a picture that nice. So afcours I bought them for souvenirs. I liked New York very much because it’s a city that’s keeping on moving day and night. And there are so many buildings that the island can’t take one more building, so instead of building New York wider they are building it higher. That is why it’s so many skyscrapers in New York. One of the biggest skyscrapers is Empire State building. That is a very good picture that I took from the Liberty Statues head. You can see how they are building the skyscrapers. Well that was all from New York because I was now heading through Pennsylvania. The driving was good because the roads were wide and good. And you could even see Philadelphia. I knew that I weren’t supposed to stop in Pennsylvania but I just wanted to take this picture. You can see Philadelphia in the background. But as soon as I took the picture I sat in my car and continued driving to Ohio. I drove until I reached the city Springfield. There is where my Motel was. I stayed over the night and ate a big continental breakfast. But I was very disappointed at the city. Because there weren’t much too see. Except some boring houses and streets. But it had some nice fields. I think that that’s the reason why they are calling it Springfield. But I didn’t spend so much time over there because I continued whit my road trip. I drove trough Indiana and the city Indianapolis. The city where really nice and I liked everything that I saw but unfortunately my camera didn’t work so the only thing that I could do was to sit there in my car and watch the nice view. I continued driving till I reached Kentucky. I drove untie I reached Nashville. And I found a place where they fix cameras in one hour. So I went out to see how it looked like here in Nashville. I saw many nice buildings and museums that showed how it was in the Civil War. They wrote that the Civil War started because the North side of the U.S. didn’t want any slavery but the South side wanted the opposite so that’s why the war begun. I learned much that day and all that learning made me hungry. I went out for some fast food because U.S.A. is famous for all the fast food the people are eating. I could see that lot of people was overweight and slow. But enough about that, I went to a place where they served “Kentucky Fried Chicken”. That was very good and tasty. They had a very big bucket whit fried chicken wings in it. They also gave a small bucket whit smashed potato and another small bucket whit dressing salad. After that monster meal I didn’t know if I could stand anymore. I went back and took my camera and continued on my trip. I continue towards Tennessee and spent the night over in a motel. Next day I drove to Arkansas and went to a town called Little Rock. It was a nice quite place whit nice people that respected you very much. I liked that place very much and it had a very beautiful view too. Well I continued towards Texas the city of cowboys and wild live western, so I though, but they where very civilised and it was a big disappointment because I thought that I was going too get see some real wild wild west style over there but they didn’t have that. But they still had their country music. I took this picture from Texas but that was all. I continued my trip trough Texas and reached New Mexico. They had a lot of Mexican people over there and I thought that it was a very nice place whit a different culture and they still had these old Mexican houses and I took a picture of one of them. That is the picture. The whole United States got places like this but whit another nationality like china town, Harlem where almost all are black afro Americans, they got places whit only Italian people and places whit only Iranian people etc. I continued until I reached Arizona, a very beautiful place that had many beautiful views like Grand canyon And they also had a beautiful place called the Sonoran Desert and it looked like this It is a nice place when it rains or else you’ll get fried. And the last place I visited was the Hoover Dam and I took this picture of it That was the last place I visited until I continued trough the Nevada desert, and believe me it was hot. They even say that you can frie eggs one the stones you find in the desert. And I just wanted too drive trough it nothing else. And at last I reached California. I went to almost all the places you can be in when you are in California and now I’m going to show you all the pictures I took before I returned to Sweden, just look and see: First I went to Death Valley. Death Valley is one of the hottest places on the whole earth. It only rains a couple of millimetres per year. And they say that once you’re in there you’ll never get out alive. The next place I went to was: That is china town in San Francisco. My next stop was: The Golden Gate Bridge that is they’re for the beutifullness. But when it blows hard the bridge bends like this. Then I continued to: Hollywood is the city of celebertys. But I’m not allowed to write about movies or music so I can’t tell you anything except that it was a nice city. And I went to: Mountain Jewellery. And I really can see why they gave it that name. When I went there I just relaxed. And the last place I could go to until my time was up was Yosemite Falls and It looked like this: And that was the last place I could go to before I went to the airport for the two flights home. I can say that this was the best trip in my whole life and that I had learned very much from U.S. about the people and all the places I went to. So this is where my storie ends Bye. Courses File: Encarta 96,97 Focus My brain